The animated collection “Star Wars: The Dangerous Batch” delves deep into what occurred to the clones after Order 66, because it follows a bunch of specialised troopers unaffected by that command within the wake of the Clone Wars. As a way to limit entry to cloning know-how, the Empire destroys Kamino’s Tipoca Metropolis and the cloning amenities therein. This harmful act additionally pushes the Senate to authorize a widespread navy recruitment invoice. Forming a military from citizen recruits serves a twin objective: It is cheaper than cloning excellent troopers, and it ensures an additional degree of loyalty from occupied worlds. You are a lot much less prone to insurgent towards the Empire when your neighbor’s child is within the military.
The primary wave of non-clone Imperial troopers, referred to as TK stormtroopers, are recruited very quickly after the Empire is established. These troopers are educated by clone veterans beneath an initiative referred to as Mission Conflict-Mantle and put on armor much like each the ultimate technology of clone armor and the eventual armor seen within the unique trilogy.
Although some galactic representatives like Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora push for added laws to maintain clone veterans, former troopers nonetheless endure tremendously. The accelerated ageing of the clones’ genetic programming means superior well being points for some, and the Order 66 set off leaves important psychological trauma on the clones compelled to hold it out. In “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” an unhoused clone is seen begging on the streets of Daiyu.