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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Why Sean Murray Thinks His McGee Future Is Unsure Amid NCIS Season 22 Renewal

So many “NCIS” actors have left the present over time that Murray might be sensible to organize for the potential of Timothy McGee’s demise or departure, as unlikely as both choice could appear. Nevertheless, his feedback to Individuals appeared to strongly recommend that if McGee leaves “NCIS” in some unspecified time in the future throughout Season 22, likelihood is this would not be of the actor’s personal volition. What’s extra, so far as he is aware of, the identical applies to the remainder of the primary solid. “I do not suppose anybody is itching to go elsewhere in the intervening time,” he spoke of the “NCIS” actors.

Aside from conserving the actor on his toes, the sheer quantity of previous departures additionally makes it pure for viewers to wonder if Murray’s McGee is leaving “NCIS” in some unspecified time in the future. Nevertheless, proper now, it appears that evidently followers can breathe simply with regards to his future on the present … and since Murray has already revealed that McGee will likely be affected by discovering out he has a half-sister, there appears to be no scarcity of storylines for the “NCIS” mainstay, both. 

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